Become a software development powerhouse

Codealike brings a human-centered approach to developer productivity and helps you maximize your career and earning potential.

A developer in the foreground looking to the side and pointing at an enlarged representation of a Codealike dashboard chart with coding data.

Level up your software engineering career with Codealike

A man is sitting at a desk with a computer monitor and tablet computer.

DORA metrics are great but they don’t help you become a better coder. Software engineers need other stepping stones to advance their craft. Codealike’s insights on Focus, In the Zone, Activity Mapping, and much more make it the Fitbit for programmers.

Make career boosting decisions with actionable data

Legacy tools only measure throughput, which encourages quantity over quality. Long build time? Eternal compile time? Reading the docs and getting started? All these activities get lost like tears in the scrum rain. Codealike helps you report on the true outcomes of your work. It works in the background measuring coding, debugging, editing, and much more. Codealike reports on the true nature of complex work.

A woman is sitting at a desk on a Zoom meeting on her laptop. She is speaking and motioning with her hands.
A man and a woman are walking side by side and fist bumping. The man has a backpack and is holding a cup of coffee. The woman is holding a laptop.

Compete and compare: get the best out of you and your teammates

Learn about your stack and skills with Codealike’s seamless activity mapping. Compare how you and your colleagues are performing and share your insights with anyone. Compete against the whole world.

Measure, track and share your performance with zero effort

Gif of the simple Codealike install process for your IDE and web browser

Connect Codealike to your preferred IDE and web browser in less than a minute. That’s it! Codealike completely ignores source code and only captures metadata. It seamlessly works in the background to present you with the insights you need to become the best version of yourself. 

 Featured user headshot

Kevin Logan

Omnitech Inc.


Codealike gives me insight into how much time I spend coding versus other activities. It even shows which code files and solutions I was in the most. It's interesting to look through all the data and I don't even have the premium subscription.


 Featured user headshot

Jamie Webster

Akira Systems


With Codealike I can track my interruptions, how much time I am spending in the editor vs. the browser, and lets me see which is my most productive hour of the day!


 Featured user headshot

Sebastian Bossarte

C# & Java Developer


It lets me observe the 'human' factor in coding, providing a great deal of useful insight.


 Featured user headshot

Gordon Beeming

Nologo Studios


Codealike helps me keep track of what I'm actually spending time on. I don't have to keep track of time spent on different solutions, I just look at my Codealike dashboard.


 Featured user headshot

Scott Smith

Front Porch


Not only was Codealike a critical integration for the coderbits portfolio engine, it is also a fantastic tool as a developer to gain insight into how I work. One of many features I love is the breakdown on time spent within certain source files.


 Featured user headshot

Tony Rose

DME Automotive


Codealike helps me better understand what areas of code I spend most of my time and what technologies I utilize the most.


 Featured user headshot

Viktor Bakurin

LMX Solutions


Codealike has helped me to be much more productive by providing detailed metrics about my coding.


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Christopher Parnin



Codealike is a modern and social reincarnation of the personal software process, a method demonstrated to improve personal productivity through metrics and self-reflection.


 Featured user headshot

Jaime Gonzalez Garcia

.NET developer & blogger


After a month using it, Codealike has become 10 times better and getting better and better at an amazing speed.


 Featured user headshot

Kevin Logan

Omnitech Inc.


Codealike gives me insight into how much time I spend coding versus other activities. It even shows which code files and solutions I was in the most. It's interesting to look through all the data and I don't even have the premium subscription.


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